Beat Insomnia with Daily Habits

Woman ith her head under her pillow trying to sleep

Did you know that you may be able to beat insomnia with daily habits? Here are some tips to consider –

Insomnia affects people in different ways and because of this there is no one cure for insomnia. Instead a person will need to try different treatments and lifestyle changes to see what works for them the best.

Everyone has different sleeping patterns with many people requiring as much as ten hours sleep while others can manage on six hours. You know that you are suffering from insomnia when your regular sleep patterns become disrupted.

Insomnia normally lasts for a couple of nights and this is referred to as mild insomnia. This is when you either have trouble falling asleep, or find yourself waking up frequently or too early each morning. Not feeling refreshed in the morning can lead to you being tired all day and starts affecting your lifestyle in adverse ways.

The first thing you want to do when dealing with a case of insomnia is to look at your lifestyle. Has something recently changed? Maybe you are dealing with a lot more stress or have financial worries. Any new and unforeseen circumstances can lead to insomnia.

Stress is known to be one of the most common causes of insomnia. Then if you start worrying about not sleeping your stress levels increase and cause your insomnia to last longer. This can result in a never ending cycle, and leads to you becoming exhausted and unable to function properly.

Helpful Tips:

  • Ensure that you are eating correctly and avoid too much alcohol and caffeine
  • Start an exercise regimen such as walking or cycling
  • Sleep in a quiet bedroom with darker curtains or blinds
  • Listen to relaxing music while falling asleep
  • Drink herbal tea just before going to bed
  • Use a natural insomnia remedy that contains valerian
  • Learn relaxation techniques
  • Take up Yoga

Most people will find that using any of the above tips will help improve their insomnia and allow them to have a good night’s sleep.  Natural insomnia cures which include valerian are becoming extremely popular. Herbal solutions tend to not have any side effects and can be purchased over the counter without a doctor’s prescription.

Yoga classes can be very beneficial as you will learn how to relax your entire body. This combined with listening to soft music, such as water flowing over stones can be very therapeutic. Think about it, babies love to fall asleep listening to soft music, so why not you too?

Here’s an infographic with even more tips on how what you eat for dinner can make a difference –

If you are suffering from insomnia there is no need to think that your only cure is to use chemical sleeping pills or dangerous drugs. There are many well known home and natural remedies for insomnia which you can try first. You can beat insomnia with daily habits. Check out other articles on this site to understand more about your options.