Why Try a Keto Diet Foods Program?

Why try a keto diet foods program? Wondering how to do a keto diet?

There’s some confusion about exactly what the ketogenic diet (known as keto) really is. Just like other health supporting diets, this is one that you can use to get rid of extra pounds – including that belly fat that affects your organs.

Keto has become synonymous with rapid weight loss, allowing people to not give up the fat in their diet that satiates their hunger.

But there are restrictions on what foods you can eat, so some may not feel like they can stick to it long without a proper plan of how to do the keto diet.

Keto Diet Foods Have Become a Top Trend for Fast Weight Loss

There are several reasons why the keto diet continues to stand out from all the other diets that you can follow. One of the reasons is that the diet offers fast weight loss, which is something that’s not usually attributed to a healthy diet such as this one.

Research on the diet has shown that not only will it help you take off the weight you want to lose quickly, but that you’re more likely to keep it off for the years to come.
But unlike traditional low carb diets, the keto diet helps you get rid of body fat quickly.

You can lose twice as much body fat on this diet in a shorter amount of time.
Part of the reason behind this is because the keto diet puts you in ketosis, which not only lowers glucose levels, but helps the body to be able to correctly use the insulin that’s produced.

Because you enter into ketosis, the body uses energy differently. The number of carbs consumed on the diet are low so that the body can’t use carbs for the production of energy.

Instead, it has to rely on ketones. This process is what pushes the body into fat burning mode. Not only will you see a lot of fast weight loss, but you’ll also lose a lot of weight during your time on a keto eating plan.

This is why the diet is not only popular, but also recommended for people who have a lot of weight to lose. It’s also recommended for people who have a lot of weight that’s causing health problems.

Being overweight can contribute to health issues such as high blood pressure or diabetes. For those who are obese, those extra pounds can cause problems such as cardiovascular issues or difficulty being able to get around.

To protect you from health complications as well as to improve mobility, losing a lot of weight quickly can help you achieve a better quality of life. Something that inevitably comes up when people start this diet is the question about what to do concerning calories.

Another thing that comes up is whether or not being on keto is enough to satisfy hunger.
Calories aren’t an issue when you’re following this diet because you don’t have to count them.

The simplicity of the diet and foods allowed contributes to the popularity and ease of use. Your body will process and use calories differently than what you might see as the calorie count on a food item.

On the keto diet, you’ll be eating foods like protein and healthy fat that are filling and help to suppress the appetite. You’ll be limited the number of total or net carbs, depending on how you want to approach the diet.

Counting Carbs to Get and Stay in Ketosis

When you start using the keto diet, one thing that you need to understand is how to go about counting the carbs in order to stay in ketosis. On this diet, you’ll choose between tracking net carbs or total carbs.

Your total carbs are the number you use to figure every carb, but your net carbs just counts what the body turns into glucose and is able to be used. In order to get the correct number of net carbs on the diet, you have to be able to figure out each food’s total carb type.

When you’re considering the foods that you plan to eat, you need to know what the fiber amount of that food is. You can’t add up your net carbs correctly without this information.

Most people don’t realize that the reason you need to pay attention to fiber is because this isn’t digestible. It travels through the body and then out. To figure out what the net carb amount is, you have to first take away the fiber content amount.

So you would look at the food label and deduct how much fiber count is on the label from the number of carbs. If you’re about to eat something that shows it has 30 carbs and 5 grams of fiber, then you take away the amount of fiber.

That means that you’re only getting 25 net carbs. The 5 grams of fiber aren’t used since the body never digests this. In addition to looking at the fiber content of a food to decide what the net carbs are, you also have to look at the alcohols in a food.

These are sugar alcohols and while they’re sort of like sugars, they do have a chemical compound of alcohol. The way to figure what the net carb is in foods containing sugar alcohols, you would need to deduct the sugar alcohol, too.

So if a product has 30 total grams of carb, 5 grams of fiber and 10 grams of sugar alcohol, you would have a net carb level of 15 after subtracting the fiber and sugar numbers.

The carb level that you stay in may differ from one person to the next. A standard low-carb diet is one in which a person consumes less than 150-100 grams of carbs. However, that amount is lower if you want to follow the keto diet and you want to enter into ketosis.

In order to reach ketosis, you have to go much lower than the 100 grams. Some people can hit this by keeping their carb intake at 50 grams or less. However, that number doesn’t work across the board and can depend on the individual.

While some people hit ketosis at 50, it requires other people to aim for 20 net carbs or less if they want to hit ketosis and get the weight off fast. Once they reach these numbers, weight loss speeds up.

Clean Keto Versus Dirty Keto

You may hear the terms clean or dirty keto. Clean means that you’re choosing to eat the healthier way on the diet. You’re looking for foods that are good for the body at the same time that they’re helping you to shed pounds quickly.

Dirty means that you’re not sticking to just eating the healthier foods. It means that you’re allowing yourself to have what’s known as convenience or processed foods. When you eat clean keto, you’ll choose your meals based on the nutrient value of the food.

You’ll eat foods that are better quality than on a dirty keto plan. You can still stick to eating fewer carbs daily so that you hit your ketosis goals. Most people who focus on eating clean keto choose to center their diet around natural foods like steak.

They cut out starchy vegetables like potatoes. They don’t eat pasta and grains. They carefully choose their healthy meals, including restricting their fruit choices to those lower in carbs, such as berries.

They’ll stick to foods such as eggs, fish, and vegetables that aren’t starchy so they have fewer carbs. When someone follows clean keto, they try to avoid processed foods as much as possible in order to stay in range.

Sticking to the diet this way does cause the person to hit ketosis quickly and their body uses fat rather than carbs to function. Dirty keto is not so much about eating what has the most nutritional value.

This way of following the diet can still push you into ketosis. You’ll also still lose weight pretty quickly. But because you won’t be eating as healthy as you would be if you followed the clean keto path, you may end up missing out on some of the good things about the diet.

That’s because foods that are not as healthy are still bad for the body, whether you limit their carb impact or not. For example, if you go to a burger place and get a double meat patty with double cheese and mayonnaise, it’s not as health as a lean steak.

Plus, you’re getting more sodium daily than the body needs. These unhealthy additions to processed foods have been linked to conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

The reason that people often choose to follow dirty keto rather than clean is because it involves less of an effort and tastes better. Rather than taking the time to prepare something low carb that’s healthy, they’ll choose to try to modify something that’s unhealthy to make it turn into low carb.

People who eat this way usually choose the foods that end up hurting their health in the long run, too.

Eating the dirty keto way may cause you to lose some weight, but you’ll end up struggling with the diet because it’ll be easy to go over your carb count on accident and throw you out of ketosis.

Is Keto a Safe Diet Plan?

You might need to lose weight and you have a desire to get healthy. But you wonder if keto is a safe diet plan for you. The answer to that is to make an appointment and check with your doctor, since no two people are exactly alike.

You may have health issues that make keto a poor option for you. But for most people, keto is a safe, fast and effective way to take off weight and reduce the health risks associated from carrying excess pounds.

In studies that were done, it showed that the keto diet has a lot of benefits to offer. One is that the diet can help people lose weight. Some people struggle to shed pounds on traditional low carb diets, but staying overweight causes more damage to their health.

But they may have a lot of weight to lose. So they end up looking at the big picture, thinking they’ll never be able to take off that much weight in a short period of time. They get discouraged and end up chasing one diet after another with poor results.

Because the keto diet takes off weight quickly, you are able to see a difference in the way you feel, in the way your clothes fit and in your appearance. Since you can see these changes quickly, it encourages you to keep trying.

As you lose the weight, you gain a lot of extra health perks – such as lowered blood pressure. You also bringing glucose levels back into the normal range if you’re a diabetic.

Cholesterol levels get lowered on the keto diet, which improves heart health. Not only does the diet lower the bad cholesterol, but it also raises the good. It’s a safe diet to choose because – even though there’s a low number of daily carbs in order to hit ketosis, the foods that you’ll eat are healthy ones that benefit the body.

You’ll eat the right kind of nutrients. You’ll be giving your body the nutrition that it needs to stay healthier, to fight off illnesses faster and to boost your immune system. Keto foods are ones that are good for you.

The diet allows people to eat real foods, rather than having to choose box meal plans that are high in everything bad for you. You can make meals around the foods you enjoy and yet still end up losing weight.

Because you get to eat a lot – even with the lower carb amount – people end up feeling more satisfied, which is safer than following diets that allow for more carbs but are stricter with nutritional value.

Customize a Keto Plan That Works for You

Choosing to implement the keto diet in your life can change your body for the better. But in order to implement it, you have to know how to customize a keto plan that’s going to work for you.

The best way to do that is to not rely on guesswork and not waste time fumbling around trying to figure the diet out. Instead, get the Custom Keto Diet and know what you need to do from the very first day.

This meal program can teach you how to embrace the keto way of eating in a way that removes all the trial and error aspects of the changes you’ll need to make. You’ll be able to follow the meal program and eat in a way that will overhaul your health for the better.

If you want to have a nice, juicy steak, then that’s exactly what you can have. What’s important about following the diet is getting into ketosis. You can’t do that unless you know exactly which steps to take.

You have to hit ketosis in order to get the body to use fat as energy. You might think you’ll just cut out carbs. But it’s hard cut out all carbs – and some of them are hidden. You need to know which carbs are best to have in your meal planning.

You have to know which foods are keto friendly and which ones will slow the possibility of hitting ketosis. While the keto diet might seem simplistic and easy to follow, you don’t know everything that you need to know as a beginner.

Some people just look up keto advice to follow online and think that’s sufficient. But the problem is that the majority of those plans aren’t focused on you or what it is that you need.

You may have a health issue, such as diabetes, that isn’t covered in that keto advice you found. Or you may end up getting advice that’s meant for someone who only has 10 pounds to lose, while you need to lose 100.

You need to know about calorie deficit and how to make sure that you don’t end up slowing down your metabolism to the point where losing weight is a struggle. You need to learn why some carbs are important and what role calories play on the keto diet.

As an individual, you need an individual keto plan. That’s why you need one that’s customizable and will teach you about fat loss and how to eat in a carb restricted manner that’s based on your health, your needs and your goals – not someone else’s.

One such custom keto plan is available now – learn more today!