Can the Wrong Bacteria in Your Gut Make It Hard to Lose Weight? The Biofit Difference

Have you ever wondered if the wrong bacteria in your gut can make it hard to lose weight?  Maybe, or maybe not – life and weight loss have lots of distractions and complications these days. But this detail could matter for you.


In recent years, more and more research in health care and disease prevention has focused on the role of the gut microbiome (the good bacteria) that support both GI and immune system functions. Aging, drugs, stress, and more can disrupt a health microbiome.


Experts have begun to examine if oral therapies using probiotics, that is, good bacteria, can modify the course of many different conditions, from psychiatric mood disorders to some cancers.


Losing weight is something millions of people attempt year after year. Some people want to lose weight to get fit for the summer or for a special event like a wedding. Others focus on shedding extra pounds in an effort to get healthy to prevent diseases like diabetes.


But most of these people struggle to take off the weight, and even if they see success, it ends up being temporary. If you’re one of the many who have battled with this problem, the reason this happens to you could be because of a lack of probiotics in your diet.


You may have honed in on other obstacles, like genetics or even your own mindset. But gut health is a hidden issue that can prevent you from successfully slimming down and keep the pounds packed on, even if you’re doing everything right.


How a Poor Digestive System Contributes to Weight Gain


If your digestive system doesn’t work the way that it should, it can cause you to gain weight, even if you’re not necessarily eating more calories than you burn. The symptoms of a poor digestive system will make themselves known to you.


If you’ve been experiencing things like struggling with constipation or have bouts of diarrhea, that can be a sign. Another sign can be bloating or having heartburn. Some people who have a digestive system that’s not operating correctly will experience gas and sometimes this can be painful.


Far too many people ignore these symptoms and never try to figure out the cause. They just live with the side effects. But what you may not know is that having a poor digestive system can lead to other health struggles, such as feeling tired or not being able to use the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat.


On top of making you feel miserable when your digestive system is out of whack, this issue also makes you pack on the pounds and makes it difficult to lose weight. This isn’t something that just happens without reason.


The reason that it happens is because when your system isn’t working right, it fails to do the job it was meant to do, which is digest the food. When you eat food, it goes through a process that breaks it down so that your body can take in the nutrients.


When your body can’t do that, it can lead to things like slow emptying of the stomach and the inability to move things along to the elimination part of digestion. At this point, your body realizes that something is wrong and tries to counter the effects of a poor digestive system.


You end up gaining weight because the body isn’t getting what it needs to keep things, including your metabolism, in the correct working state. Everyone knows what happens when your metabolism slows.


You put on weight and you struggle to take it off. It won’t matter how much you cut back on food portions or how much you exercise. If the body can’t break down the foods you eat, you’ll constantly struggle with bloat and weight gain.


Like most people, you may not even realize you’re not adding the very thing to your diet that can solve the issue. You need probiotics in your life in order to break the bond between weight gain and your system.


Probiotics Fight Inflammation That Worsens Obesity


Inflammation is something that many people have. Some know they have bouts of inflammation or chronic inflammation, while others aren’t even aware that this is going on within their body.


When you have inflammation, it can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and more. But more than that, it can also worsen obesity. Then your health becomes part of a cycle.


Inflammation worsens obesity and in turn obesity worsens inflammation. Finding a way to fight this inflammation is a lot easier than it looks. Probiotics can fight inflammation that worsens obesity and makes certain diseases worse.


When you’re carrying more weight than is healthy for you, it can lead to an increase in inflammation markers. The reason probiotics work to help deal with obesity is found in how they affect the way that your body works in relation to food.


But more than that, the foods that you eat will be better used by your body. Probiotics can work to limit the amount of fat that the body is able to absorb. This means that you won’t end up gaining weight because of fat.


As part of this process with probiotics, your body doesn’t use all of the carbs and calories from your daily meals and snacks. Instead, the probiotics cause the digestive system to get rid of what’s not used.


It’s the good bacteria in probiotics that makes them work this way. If you’re going to use probiotics to fight the inflammation that makes obesity worse, you have to make sure to get the correct products.


Look for ones that state on the label that they contains lactobacillus. Probiotics work to suppress the appetite because they affect the hormones that tell you that you’re hungry. When your body gets a dose of these hormones, you won’t want to eat as much or as often.


You also won’t feel as hungry as you did in the past. When these hormones are released, it also affects the metabolism, and you end up burning more calories, too. It’s normal for the body to hold onto fat and to put it into fat storage.


This step is part of the body’s natural defense system that works to prevent starvation.

However, when you become obese, your body ends up storing more fat than it needs and this can become an ongoing cycle for those who are overweight.


Tips on Taking Probiotics to Shed Pounds


One of the many reasons that probiotics are good for weight loss has to do with your gut bacteria. You might think that gut bacteria is the same all across the board. Assuming that thin people have the same type of bacteria as obese people is a common misunderstanding.


The truth is that when you’re overweight, your gut bacteria changes. These extra pounds can cause you to have more of a certain type of bacteria than you normally would.


This type of bacteria isn’t helpful and in fact can be harmful because they’re linked with weight gain and obesity related diseases such as diabetes. What happens is that the balance of gut bacteria changes so that overweight people have more bad bacteria than good.


When the ratio favors the bad bacteria, you gain weight. When the ratio is right, you lose. But getting it right isn’t something that you can wish into existence. You have to take steps to change the ratio and that’s why you need probiotics.


These can eliminate the overgrowth of bad gut bacteria and help good bacteria flourish. There are different ways to get the probiotics that your body needs. If you want to shed pounds quickly, you can practice extreme dieting.


That carries health risks, though, and isn’t recommended by doctors. You can also jump into exercising, but if you overdo that, an injury is going to sideline you and that’ll take a toll on you mentally.


You might even feel like giving up. But don’t do that until you try adding probiotics to your diet. You can try adding probiotic foods to your meal planning, but it’s difficult to consume enough foods to get your levels correct – especially if your gut bacteria is already problematic.


What you can do instead is to take probiotic supplements. These can work to bring your ratio back into balance so you feel better and start losing weight. You’ll also end up lowering your body fat and bringing your BMI down into a healthy range.


One of the things you need in order to accomplish this is the correct number of bacteria and the right bacteria. If you decide that you’re going to take probiotics, you really can’t take them whenever you feel like it.


Just like most supplements, probiotics have a way that they work best. In order to gain the most benefit from them and to make sure they’re at their most effective, you’ll need to take them when your stomach is empty.


This gives your body the chance to reap the benefits from the good bacteria in the probiotic before you put any food into your system. So take them before you have breakfast.


Naturally Occurring Probiotics in Your Food


You can change your diet to include probiotics through the foods that you eat. The easiest way to get this help for your digestive system is to include plenty of fermented foods.


Fermentation is what happens when foods are broken down and changed by a natural process. It’s been used for many years as a way to preserve food. During fermentation, bacteria that’s good for your gut develops.


You also get the benefit of things like helpful fatty acids. Some beverages also go through the fermentation process, but you have to make sure that the probiotics aren’t taken out – as happens with certain alcoholic beverages.


When food is fermented, it goes from one state to the next. If you take fresh cucumbers and ferment them, the fermentation process will turn them into pickles. These have probiotics and are easy to add to your diet.


Most people recognize the stronger fermented foods such as sauerkraut. This food is simply cabbage that’s been allowed to go through the fermentation process. The process for this food can take anywhere from 3 days to longer than a week.


Cabbage is also used to make kimchi, which is a spicy Korean dish that’s packed with probiotics once it ferments. Dairy foods can become fermented probiotic rich foods, including yogurt. There are many types of cheese that are fermented and contain probiotics, but not all cheeses will.


Some of the ones that do have probiotics including mozzarella and cheddar. You can ferment to produce soft cheeses such as cream cheese or cottage cheese. Another dairy product that can be fermented is milk.


By fermenting milk, you can turn it into buttermilk. Foods that contain natural probiotics are yogurts. But keep in mind that not all types of yogurts will have probiotics that are beneficial to the gut or address your personal issue with weight.


In order for this food to be beneficial to you, you’ll need to find the ones that state they contain live cultures. Sourdough bread is another food that’s fermented and contains probiotics.


If you like sweet treats, you can consume dark chocolate and get some probiotics as well. You’ll notice that the taste of fermented foods is going to vary from strong to mild. This is a result of the fermentation process as well as the bacteria in the food.


You might wonder how much of the fermented foods you need to add to your diet in order to reap the benefits. The answer to that is that the amount depends on you. Because there’s no downside to eating probiotic rich foods, you can add as much of it as you want to consume within reason according to your caloric needs.


If you’re new to eating fermented foods, however, just understand that there may be an adjustment period for your digestive system. Sometimes they can lead to gas or bloating, but these symptoms are temporary and will resolve once you get used to them.


Can Biotfit Help You Heal Your Gut and Lose Weight?


When you’re overweight, you’re carrying unhealthy fat and your gut bacteria is more bad than it is good. Once this bad bacteria has the upper hand, it influences the way the body handles carbs and calories and you end up putting on weight.


If you’re like most people who are overweight and have trouble with your gut, then you know how hard it can be to get that balance restored so that the good bacteria is at the level where it should be.


This is why many people turn to helpful supplements like Biofit. This way, they can fix the bacteria ratio and get on the right track to losing weight and improving their health.

This supplement is packed with probiotics that can restore your digestive system.


It can also help you feel better all over. One of the reasons why this probiotic supplement works is because it never offers anyone a quick fix. It’ll take about two months for the full effect of the supplement to restore balance, even though you will feel better long before that.


The supplement also never promises that you’re going to be able to restore balance without some effort on your part. What it does promote is that if you want to get healthy and take probiotics to fix your gut, you’re also going to need to make some changes in your life.


The theory behind the supplement is to pair it with healthy meal plans rather than eating things that are detrimental to your gut and your body as a whole. It also teaches that you need to get involved in regular exercise.


Both of those steps create a common sense approach that’s recommended by doctors and dieticians. The Biofit supplement is packed with seven probiotics, including lactobacilli.


This probiotic can work to lower your cholesterol levels, which is something that many overweight people experience as a result of the extra pounds. It also helps to restore bowel function.


When your gut bacteria is out of balance, it can cause you to swing between bouts of constipation and diarrhea. If you end up catching a cold, this probiotic can work to help alleviate some of the symptoms so that you feel better.


It can also help with allergies and some skin issues such as itchy skin. BioFit is easily absorbed and is the perfect choice for someone who’s often struggled to lose weight or has experienced issues with their gut bacteria. Check it out and discuss with your own doctor if this makes sense for you.