Vitamin C?

What about vitamin C? Is it just an old story that everyone knows they need – or have some people forgotten about it?  Just remember that human beings cannot make enough vitamin C for the needs of the body without all the stresses that we all face these days.

Have you ever wondered why vitamin C supplements, are never prescribed by most MDs to the sick? Simple, vitamin C will make you better for pennies on the dollar. And, as usual, most doctors are not trained to use vitamins as nutraceutical interventions.


It would be great if everyone knew how essential vitamin C is, and when taken daily, it would help fight inflammation, allergies (it can act as a natural antihistamine), and generally support health. Or if they did get sick, they could take bigger doses of vitamin C to heal the sickness much faster.


The world would be a different place. That’s why the doctors don’t talk about this precious vitamin at all. They just do not know much about it in general. Of course integrative MDs and naturopathic doctors (NDs) are often very comfortable and aware of vitamin C benefits.


Vitamin C needs to be replaced daily to keep us healthy. It’s an antioxidant, which means it helps protect us from poisons and toxins in our bodies. It helps to produce collagen for making and repairing connective tissue in our body. 


On the side, vitamin C also helps the gut absorb iron.


When adding plants, herbs, and fruits into our diets that are high in vitamin C, we are helping to prevent illness in the first place. When we keep our bodies immune system in tip-top shape, our immune cells can better fight off bacteria and viruses and neutralize effects of excessive histamine release in allergies.


Then when illness does come around the family. We may be less likely to get sick.


Unfortunately, regular conventional doctors never talk about vitamin C. They claim to be “evidence-based”, but some studies have shown that vitamin C in larger doses has even helped heal people in Africa with HIV/AIDS. Doctors rely mainly on conventional drugs and surgery.


On a more general note, past research suggests that vitamin C may support some patients who go into septic shock with a serious infection.  Vitamin C, especially intravenous forms, may help some cancer patients navigate through rough times too.


It’s important to get the best vitamin C possible in its natural form is the best practice. If you can’t stand to eat your oranges every day. Perhaps try to get a fruit that is in powder form, for easy intake.


If you avoid vitamin C because of heartburn, try taking the powder form at lunch with a meal or added into yogurt or rice pudding cups. Being on your feet afterward for a while. This ritual will help heal the issues naturally when taken daily.


Search out a better source online and look at the reviews. For instance, this buffered form of vitamin C with ribose allows you to take larger doses by mouth without getting the GI symptoms (e.g., diarrhea) that can happen when you take too much of the ascorbic acid form at once. This type of product was developed so that some people needing IV vitamin C but unable to get to a clinic multiple times per week might nevertheless get a benefit.


One product that has had great results and glowing reviews at this writing is a product called “Camu Powder” from organic Camu berries from Brazil.


Just add less than a teaspoon of Camu powder to yogurt cup or smoothie each day to stay healthy.


The trick to using natural medicine is to catch the sickness in the early stages, such as a cold or flu. For example, when you first start feeling that tickle in your throat, that stuffed feeling in your nose or other symptoms.


That’s when you want to really start taking a lot of plant medicine to help you heal fast, giving your body the tools, it needs to combat that nasty cold before it has a chance to grow worse.


You want to take vitamin C right away and a lot of it. Like three or four times a day. Until the symptoms have dissipated.


If you need to take it more than a couple of days. Then be sure to add other vitamins as well such as vitamin B and calcium that might be used up quickly. Also, get plenty of vitamin D…aka sunshine!




Our bodies can’t make our own vitamin C, so we must supplement our diets with food and plants that are high in vitamin C to stay healthy.


We need to take vitamin C in heavy doses to help our body heal itself when we start to feel sick.


Ideally, it would be a wise choice to start incorporating a daily amount of vitamin C to your diet and make that part of your normal routine, such as added to a yogurt snack for lunch.


We only use what we need and the rest is flushed out of our system. And vitamin C only stays in our system for a short time.


That’s why it’s important to keep taking it until all the symptoms are gone. Usually, if you start taking vitamin C after each meal or during the meal after that first day the cold symptoms usually pass.

