Starting Point Strategies to Overcome Post-Viral Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A new diagnostic tool for chronic fatigue syndrome may help clear up common misunderstandings among the public and even some doctors. That’s good news if you’re one of the many patients who are tired of being told that their symptoms are imaginary.


Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered a biomarker that allows them to test how an individual’s immune cells respond to stress. The results so far have been highly accurate in diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome.


This is major progress compared to the current time-consuming and confusing method of examining symptoms. It also creates an opportunity to develop more effective medications.


Until there is a cure for chronic fatigue syndrome, you may be able to find relief through lifestyle changes and other strategies. Learn more about the symptoms and how to live with them.


Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:


  1. Know the figures. As many as 2.5 million Americans have chronic fatigue syndrome, but most of them have not been diagnosed, according to the Institute of Medicine. Women have a 2 to 4 times higher risk than men, and age and stressful events can also be factors.
  2. Identify core symptoms. Three symptoms must be present to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome. That includes extreme fatigue, sleep disorders, and post-exertional malaise, which means that your physical and mental functioning declines after you exert yourself. Your doctor will also check to see if you have difficulty thinking clearly or feel faint when you stand or sit up.
  3. Watch for other symptoms. You’ll probably experience some other symptoms too. Soreness, swollen joints, sore throats, and allergies are common.


Basic Strategies for Managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:


  1. Keep a journal. Many patients find that it helps to write down their experiences. You can use your journal to jog your memory and monitor your symptoms.
  2. Prioritize sleep. Positive sleep habits matter even more when you have chronic fatigue syndrome. Try to wake up at the same time each morning and block out sounds and lights that may keep you up at night.
  3. Manage activity levels. Pacing yourself is vital to protecting your health and will actually help you to accomplish more. If you overdo it, you could wind up needing bed rest for days or weeks.
  4. Exercise carefully. On the other hand, working out can help you stay fit. Ask your doctor to help design a routine that’s safe for you.
  5. Seek relaxation. Stress may aggravate your symptoms, so find a relaxation method that works for you. Try meditation, massage or listening to music.
  6. Eat healthy. A balanced diet will give your body more energy and help prevent weight gain. Focus on whole foods and avoid excess sugar.
  7. Limit alcohol and caffeine. Too many cocktails and cups of coffee can further disrupt your sleep. You may want to give them up or cut down.
  8. Reach out. While society is becoming better-informed about chronic fatigue syndrome, you may still feel isolated or struggle with the adjustments you need to make in your daily life. Join a support group or online forum where you can meet others in the same position.
  9. Consult your employer. Many patients want to continue working or find it financially necessary. Research your legal rights and ask your employer about providing the accommodations you’ll need.
  10. Talk with your doctor. While there is no approved treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome, your doctor may be able to help with your most troubling symptoms. That may include medications for sleep and pain, and therapy to work on coping skills.

Alternative Therapy Strategies for Treating Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is the most misunderstood, most misdiagnosed condition in the current world of medicine. This condition can is so debilitating that many medical professionals misdiagnose it as a mental illness because of all the overlapping symptoms there are.

While Chronic Fatigue isn’t curable, some strategies and therapies can assist in reducing and alleviate its symptoms. If you’re not satisfied with your signs or treatment, consider alternative therapies.

It’s been proven that alternative methods can reduce and alleviate a lot of the stress and sleep problems that come along with this condition. Thus, allowing you to be able to live a healthy, better life.

Since there are quite a few alternative methods to try out, there is quite a bit of them that work really well for most people, along with other therapies. However, it’s best to remember that no one treatment works for everybody. Try out a few alternative medicines and find out which works best for you.

These treatments include:

Massage/ massage therapy

While we all understand that Chronic Fatigue is both exhausting and stressful. Not many realize how therapeutic traditional Chinese medicine can be. Chinese medicine includes massage therapy because it works directly with the body. This type of treatment holds a lot of value because of well it works to alleviate and treat disorders that have common symptoms.

Therapeutic massages work wonders to reduce your emotional and physical stress. Massage therapy improves circulation in the body, reduces aches and pains, and provides an overall sense of well-being. This therapy type can be quite beneficial and useful for patients who have a high level of stress and anxiety.

Massage therapy works wonders because it actually physically manipulates the body in creating better circulation. The pressure used against the skin and muscle physically works out the stressors of everyday life.

Consider adding massages to your weekly routine if you suffer from Chronic Fatigue.


Acupuncture is also part of Traditional Chinese medicine. Acupoints points have been carefully picked and studied to ensure that people get the best outcome. Acupuncture is the process of where special needles are inserted into the acupoints, which allows a low current of electricity to flow through your body.

The reason this is done is to align something known as your chakras. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when you hold in too many emotions, stressors, and the problem, you can throw off your body’s natural electrical flow. When this happens, you’ll experience various ailments.

Acupuncture has a long-standing history of success. Studies in both the US and China have shown that acupuncture can be useful to reduce and alleviate your symptoms. Acupuncture therapists often create specific programs for each individual, these treat:

* Sleep problems – This includes insomnia, sleep apnea, and many other sleeping disorders that could be plaguing you.
* Joint aches and pains and muscle pain – This even includes pains from injuries, surgeries, and arthritis.
* Emotional issues and stress – When we talk about emotional issues, we’re referring to depression, anxiety, and significant stress disorders. These can all be stabilized and controlled with this treatment.
* Improved immune system – You’ll experience less flu-like symptoms and diseases. This is because acupuncture improves the blood circulation in your body, allowing it to function at an optimal rate.

Acupuncture also restores organs such as the liver, kidneys, and brain.

If you’re a Chronic Fatigue sufferer, you should consider visiting an experienced acupuncturist. They’ll be able to suggest which methods will work great for your condition.


Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition that people still use today to get in touch with their bodies, reduce stress, and control their mental stressors effectively.

Yoga programs can produce a general feeling of well being. Indeed, physical activity can worsen your symptoms. However, yoga allows you to do physical activity without experiencing any discomfort or pain. Yoga helps you recover your strength and your energy, which will enable you to get your life back on track.

Many people found long term relief with yoga. It helps regulate energy, helping release emotions, inducing a state of well being, creating a relaxing state, and immune health and improving circulation.

If you have Chronic Fatigue, consider a gentle yoga program. Let your instructor know that you suffer from Chronic Fatigue. Since many forms of yoga offer many other benefits. This will help them set out a good movement program for you.

Homeopathy/ nutrition/ and supplements.

Homeopathic medicines can work wonders for people who suffer from chronic fatigue. To get help with any chronic health condition, find a homeopath in your area or online who can take the specialized history that homeopaths require to choose an individualized medicine (remedy) for you. They take into account your whole history and symptom pattern.

Examples to show you what types of treatments a homeopath might choose include (but are not limited to):

* Arsenicum – This supplement can be used to treat anxiety. This will drastically treat the level of anxiety and stress you feel every day.
* Gelsemium – This is very beneficial for those who suffer from chronic fatigue. This reduces your physical weakness, emotional instability, and fatigue. Gelsemium is one of the commonly-recommended homeopathic remedies for acute influenza symptoms with weakness and fatigue.
* Pulsatilla – This can be used to alleviate any sleep problems you have. This minimizes the restlessness you often feel when trying to fall asleep.
* Sulphur – Sulphur can be used to boost your energy level. This actively reduces your level of fatigue, allowing you to carry forward with your day.

Nutritional supplement support can really help as well. This is because of the added vitamins, supplements, and mineral that is added to your diet. Since you’ll be consuming some of these medicines directly, it can start alleviating some of your most common symptoms.

Changing your diet can also relieve some of your symptoms. Ensure that your body is getting all the nutrition it needs through various supplements. Common supplements include:

*Coenzyme Q10 – This supplement can assist your body in producing ATP ( adenosine triphosphate). This is an important chemical that is needed to keep your body going and increase your energy levels.

*Ginseng – This is considered to be a tonic herb that can assist in reducing your level of fatigue naturally. When this is taken regularly, it can drastically improve your condition.
*L-Carnation – This chemical is responsible for transporting critical fatty acids to the energy center of all your cells. Taking this supplement can reduce your fatigue and joint and muscle pains.

*Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) – This molecule plays a vital role in the body when it comes to producing energy. A lack of this molecule can increase your level of fatigue. Taking a supplement can assist you in regaining back some of your energy.
*Essential fatty acids (Omega Fatty Acids) – This is essential in reducing inflammation, which means that you’ll experience a decrease in pain when you take this supplement.

Additionally, homeopathy has shown some results in reducing Chronic Fatigue symptoms. Common homeopathy remedies include:

* Arsenicum – This supplement can be used to treat anxiety. This will drastically treat the level of anxiety and stress you feel every day.
* Gelsemium – This is very beneficial for those who suffer from chronic fatigue. This reduces your physical weakness, emotional instability, and fatigue.
* Pulsatilla – This can be used to alleviate any sleep problems you have. This minimizes the restlessness you often feel when trying to fall asleep.
* Sulphur – Sulphur can be used to boost your energy level. This actively reduces your level of fatigue, allowing you to carry forward with your day.

Before starting any alternative treatments, make sure to consult your physician or at the very least, let each new doctor or therapist know. Let them know which medications, supplements, and the type of therapy you’re using to treat this condition. Treatments, herbs, and medicines can work well together but can be risky when combined. It’s vital to let each doctor know the things you’re doing to treat your condition.

Chronic fatigue doesn’t yet have a cure. However there’s real and powerful ways to regain control over your life. It’s important to check out the various alternative treatments and get started living a better experience with Chronic Fatigue today.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a challenging condition to live with, but recent studies offer new hope for more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Talk with your doctor and try lifestyle changes that can help you to manage your symptoms and enjoy more of the activities you love.
