Health Challenges Bring Perspective on What Really Matters

Especially these days, you may be finding how valuable it is for you to count your blessings, to review your life goals, and to reassess what to do next. If you have suffered any type of health-related crisis, this can bring a lot of perspective on what really matters in your life. As a major starting point, look at your sense of purpose.

Every person has the ability to make choices that will affect the life they will live. Throughout life, some of the choices we make will have a long-lasting impact on the way our lives will play out. For example, some choose to go to college, while others will choose to start a family earlier on in life.

Choosing to live with purpose, though, brings on a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘living your best life.’ Sure, there will always be limiting factors. However, there are always options, and with real intent, even what seems insurmountable can be overcome.

As young people, it seems easier to follow our dreams – possibly because few of them have been crushed or unrealized. We are learning more about ourselves and exploring all of our options. It’s when responsibilities and daily life get in the way we sometimes lose our footing and overall direction.

Not to mention, it seems like everyone has an opinion on how you should be living your life, what jobs to take, when to start a family, or who would be a suitable partner.

Through pressure or just plain ignoring our purpose, sometimes we fall in line and do what others expect from us. It’s time to set aside the burden of pleasing others and start living with purpose so we can reap the many benefits!

Mental Benefits

One of the biggest impacts of finding and expressing your life purpose is mental stability. There will no longer be the feeling of regret of letting someone down or the stress from not enjoying what you are doing. Those people who know what their purpose in life is, and act on it, are able to focus on the things that matter most, without fear or guilt.

Knowing what your purpose is will affect and possibly greatly change where you decide to invest your time, energy and money. People who are able to put their investments and purpose in alignment tend to be more successful in every aspect of their lives, making it easier to live a more stress-free life.

Feeling Happy – What A Great Benefit!

Have you ever noticed a person or a couple living the life you wish you could? They seem very happy and appear to not have a worry in the world. It could be because they are living actively within their purpose in life. Living a life without direction isn’t very fulfilling, and will usually be somewhat stressful and even daunting. Happiness can always seem just out of reach. A life with purpose brings happiness.

Often, people end up in one field or another out of either sheer necessity or accident. Bills pile up, life throws curve balls and sometimes we don’t get to pick our battles. These things are all temporary. They can’t stop you from living a life of purpose. It’s only problematic when we become complacent and trick ourselves into believing that “happy enough” is a replacement for pursuing our true passion.

Fear of striking out keeps a great many of us from doing what could possibly change our lives for the good. Take a chance. Baby steps are perfectly okay. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they laid bricks every day. The positive impact of taking action could be amazing!

You will likely find your drive to succeed at an all-time high. Going to work isn’t such a terrible thing when it’s something you truly believe in, something that makes you happy. Positive feelings breed other positive feelings. Before you know it, happiness will be oozing from your pores.

Happier Relationships

Once you become comfortable living within your purpose, not only will you see a big change in your own attitude and happiness, but those around you will benefit as well. People will notice the change in you. They will gravitate to you and follow your lead. It feels good to feel good. Why wouldn’t they want the same experience?

Those in your immediate circle will be affected the most. Think about it – when you despise your work and dread getting up every morning for the same humdrum lifestyle, the negative emotion inevitably spills over into your home life.

Picture yourself excited to get up and get to work! Picture yourself on the road to living your life with purpose, doing what you love, and this, too, will plant the seed of happiness and fulfillment in those around you. You can’t expect people to be happy around you if you are not happy.

No more going home and griping about the decisions the company is making. You are in control. No one wants to spend time with a person who is grouchy or negative most of the time. Your positive energy will attract those with the same go get ‘em attitude. Those are the people you want to surround yourself with anyway, right?

Your relationships, personal and professional, are stronger and much happier when you are feeling stronger and happier. Pursuing a life of purpose is contagious!

The benefits of living with purpose will have a positive effect on your well-being. Strive to find your purpose, then make it a point to live in it. The rewards are definitely worth the risk. If you are in the midst of or have just recovered from a health crisis, take some time on this.