Avoid Sabotaging Your Immune System

These days there are many external challenges that your immune system must address to keep you safe and healthy. What types of simple behaviors — besides social/physical distancing – are important?


When it comes to protecting and improving your immune system, it’s important that you not only implement measures that will help strengthen it, but also take a good, hard look at what is sabotaging it.


This will be different for everyone. There is no one size fits all in terms of things you may be doing wrong. For example, for some people, it’s a simple problem of eating a poor diet.


When your diet lacks the proper nutrition and fails to give you adequate vitamins and minerals, it can weaken your immune system over time. Take a good look at your meal plans and ask yourself if you’ve been eating plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables as well as lean protein and healthy fats.

If the answer is no, and your meals have consisted mostly of processed food and fast food, then you’ll be able to take steps to change that. For some people, their diet is acceptable, but they may have a sleep routine that fails to measure up to what their immune system really needs.


Look seriously at enjoying fresh fruits and veggies in smoothies. You can even blend up some of the other vitamin supplements that you take in those and just enjoy the smoothies while supporting better immune system health.


Getting an adequate amount of sleep is vital to the health of your cells. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, or even if the sleep you get is constantly interrupted and you wake up in the morning feeling tired and lacking energy, then it may be time for you to work on your sleep performance.


There are many different ways you can improve your sleep and give your immune system a boost. The first thing you can do is set a routine that helps you fall asleep, such as taking a warm bath before bed and eliminating technology.


If you insist on looking at your smartphone, TV, or tablet before bed, check the settings and block the blue light by setting the screen brightness to the Night Shift or similar mode.


You can also work on aspects such as sound, temperature, and even comfort to achieve your goals. There are other issues that might be sabotaging your immune health, too.


For example, you might have certain vices such as smoking or drinking too much that inhibit the performance of your immune system. You can cut down on those or eliminate them completely to help your body fight infections.


There are many tools to use to get rid of unhealthy habits. Apart from some short-term drugs and patches and gums to stop smoking, for instance, consider drug-free hypnosis and/or acupuncture. Both alternative therapies may also help you change your drinking habits.


It may be something that seems like it’s out of your control, such as the amount of stress in your life. Stress hormones can take a toll on your immune system and cause you to get sick more often. Your stress reactions are under your control – and there are steps to take to help yourself.


You can take steps to alleviate your stress, such as using deep breathing and meditation to reset your mind so that you’re in a better place whenever stress arises. Stay aware of things in your life that can work against you in terms of protecting and boosting your immune system and address them as quickly as possible so that you’re not putting your health at risk in the future.


Check out our full collection of courses and programs to help with things like stress reduction, introductory yoga, walking, and more at Natural Wellness Land.