Superfoods to Super-Charge Your Smoothies

What to put into your smoothies? Super charge your smoothies with superfoods.

Imagine you’re laying outside on a lounge chair and you are sipping on the most delicious, refreshing smoothie… Sounds like heaven, right?

Well you can enjoy that tasty smoothie while also getting some serious health benefits (aside from the pleasure). Some people purchase readymade smoothies, but these are high in sugar, calories, additives and even fat and these smoothies are consumed for pure pleasure with no real benefits. Making your own is key.

A healthy smoothie can be a great addition to your daily nutrition while helping to fight off potential health issues associated with a bad diet.
There are many ways that you can add “Superfoods” to your smoothies so that you can enjoy being healthy while satisfying your taste buds.

Great Superfoods To Add To Your Smoothies

Fruits – Fruits are what give smoothies their sweetness and the best fruits are berries (Blueberries, strawberries, Acai berries) apples and bananas

Dark leafy greens – Spinach and kale are fantastic superfoods for smoothies as they provide essential nutrients and vitamins

Seeds – Hemp, Chia and flax seeds offer great omega 3 fats to your smoothies
Nuts/butters – Almonds, walnuts and cashews are healthy nuts and you can opt for the “natural” butters which may be better in a smoothie. They offer good fats protein and vitamins.

These are common and well-known superfoods and really should account for much of your daily nutrition whether in a smoothie or not. It’s just easier to put them in a smoothie together to drink and you’ll have a wider variety of tasty flavor this way.

Just be careful to not overdo the fruit in the smoothies as you don’t want to consume high amounts of sugars (Not great for a lot of reasons).

How To Include Them In Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Great combinations are:
• Greens and fruits
• Greens, fruits and seeds
• Fruits, seeds and nuts/butter
• Seeds and fruits
These combinations are great and proven to be tasty so keep this in mind next time you’re blending up a smoothie.
It’s your choice as to what you use as far as a liquid to get the smooth, creamy texture but consider a healthier option than cow’s milk if you want to make a completely healthy smoothie.

Here are some recommended options:
• Almond milk
• Coconut milk
• Rice Milk
• Hemp milk

These are much healthier options as they contain little fat and little (Depending on which you prefer) to no sugar. So, consider these alternatives as a liquid base for your smoothies.

What’s Great About Superfood Smoothies

The fact that you can combine so many superfoods to make a heavenly (And healthy) smoothie is very intriguing. A nice, cool, tropical smoothie is something that rarely anyone would turn down and for good reason.

You get an abundance of energy providing, mood boosting, fat burning… (The list goes on) nutrients that can fuel you for a long, productive day.

Make Superfood Smoothies!

You must be thoroughly convinced now, that you need a “Superfood” smoothie packed with healthy deliciousness. It’s ok to feel that way as you have every right to blend one up and not feel guilty about your decision.

You can use the food combinations mentioned previously and feel free to find recipes or try to create a mix of superfoods that will satisfy your palette.

Try to make superfood smoothie at least once a day (If you can) so this way you are making sure to get all the necessary nutrients your body needs on a daily basis. While you can eat the superfoods, smoothies offer an option that may be a little (or a lot) more convenience and pleasurable.

Finally, smoothies give you a simple, easy way to blend in supplements that otherwise seem like a chore to take one by one with meals. Even if you are wary of eating veggies, just include them in the collection of superfoods that you add to your smoothies.